Welcome to " TACKLEINSIGHTS " !
WHATSAPPS : +86-13901512801
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Looking for a new quote, or to review an existing one to further reduce the sourcing cost? You have come to the right place.


As the leading sourcing platform in China, we have more contacts with fishing tackle manufacturers, over 200 fishing tackle manufacturer partnerships, we are visiting these vendors more often than any other companies!



If you are looking for a new quote, just drop us an email, and let us know your detailed requirements or product drawing, we will check and revert to you with two or three quotations, together with our recommendation.


After receiving our shortlist vendor list, we invite you to audit the factory, we have professional sourcing specialist to accompany you to visit the factory, we could act as your interpreter to protect your interest, we will not charge any cost for these value added service, the travelling cost will be reimbursed with the supporting receipts or invoices. If you have difficulty to visit the factory, no problem also, we could visit these factories on your behalf, we will give you a travelling report.


The service could be free of charge, yes, it is true, just send the inquiry to us, we will be subsidized from the local government for the export business we export to you.


Contact with us today!